Saturday, March 27, 2010

Can't help myself.......

Bull calf

Well here is the lastest addition to the crew-meet Jaffa the Friesian cow, who was due to calve in April but surprised us by having a lovely little jersey x heifer calf on the 22nd instead! Which caused a fair amount of panic-goats to move, sheep to shuffle, horses to shoo and a milking machine to organise! Luckily we got it all done and we've been milking Jaffa twice a day since, she produces about 15L of milk a day-which despite the stereotype is quite creamy-we named the calf Cadbury and we also bought another bull calf while we have plenty of milk to feed him! Cadbury is currently getting about 6L of milk a day, which she drinks from a bottle like a pro, and the little bull gets a simular amount but he drinks his out of a bucket. Overall they've fitted in to the farm very well :)
I'll be posting the results of the sheep's pregnancy scans next month sometime-cross your fingers for me!