Sunday, July 25, 2010

It never rains it pours.....

I'm very angry. Well actually angry doesn't quite cover it-furious maybe? A few months back we gave permission to the power company who has power lines running throughout our property to trim some trees that might have touched the line this coming spring-simple no?-we thought no more of it. Today we went for a drive around the side of the property where these trees are, we haven't been for a few days, and discovered to our shock and dismay that our 50+year old mulberry tree, planted by the family and a fond part of our growing up, was gone. Yes you read that right-a absolutely beautiful 25+ metre tree just gone, only a small stump is left, this tree has survived fires and droughts and managed to bear enough fruit every year for jam, pies and just picking fresh delicious fruit as we passed by-and some dope with a chainsaw ruined all that, all it would've took was a phone call to double check with us. The worst part is there is nothing I can do, it's gone. I can only hope that the people who cut it down will at least buy a new tree to take it's place. I'm not holding my breath.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A sad day

The 21st of June was a sad day, our old border collie cross, Ace, was found unable to get up and in pain we took her to the vet in the hopes it would be a simple problem and easily fixed-unfortunately she had broken the bone between her elbow and shoulder, we had to decide if we wanted to operate or put her to sleep. It was a hard decision wether to put her through a major operation which would involve long recoveries and maybe leave her in pain anyway, she was an old dog and I think she would not have wanted to go through a operation having never had a sick day in her 18 years, nonetheless it was incredibly difficult to decide to let her go. She now rests in peace on the farm under the pines, forever the young active dog I'll remember. We'll miss tripping over her (as she was always right behind you), watching her try to control the milking flock (much to their mixed amusement and disgust) and most of all we'll miss her constant steady presence around the farm. So if you visited whilst she was here take a moment to remember her, a wise old soul with not a bad bone in her body.
She will be missed.